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Mega Tic-Tac-Toe (#mttt)

4.0 ( 6560 ratings )
Geliştirici: Aryeh Shebson

Tic Tac Toe taken to the next level!!

to win the game you must win the small board on the bottom left corner we will call it the "Result Board" according to the rules of regular tic tac toe.
to place a "letter"(x/o) in result board you must win a small board in the "Big Board" (the main board in the center of the screen), so that winning the top left board will place your letter in the top left of the "Result Board".
there are 2 types of turns: "The Full Turn" and the "Partial Turn".
A "Full Turn" occurs on the first turn of the game and when someone "sends you" to a full board (will be explained).
In a "Full Turn" you can dictate the small board and the square in which you wish to place your letter.
you can control this using the blue buttons on the bottom right corner.

The "Partial Turn" is different because you dont get to choose the board in which you place your letter, but you are sent to your board according to the last players move.
The previous players placement in perspective to the small board dictates which board you need to play in.
Meaning if the first player places a letter in the middle board in the top left corner you must do your turn in the top left board.

and thats it!!

game for all ages.
